An Internet made for Nobody?

Do you use Facebook? Probably not if you’re not over the age of 40, but if current trends persist soon nobody not even your uncle is still going to be using Facebook. Since the emergence of AI image tools there has been increasingly large number strange posts like the ones below on Facebook that go completely viral, we’re talking around 300k likes

To the less technically literate there might appear nothing wrong with these pictures but on closer inspection you can start to pick apart the flaws and easily deduct that these are AI generated. But that’s not even the start of the problem with these posts, you see all those comments? ALMOST NONE OF THEM ARE REAL ACCOUNTS. Let me clarify they might have been real people at one point or are based off of real people but 90% of these accounts are just bots feeding into the bot account that posts these AI generated images based on engagement.

What does that leave us with? An infinite self feeding loop of garbage content where AI controlled accounts will engage these posts and AI accounts that will post images based on what it perceives to engaging content. But since real people aren’t interacting with these accounts it just generates nonsense for the bots to like and comment on mass.

This to me signals the beginning of the end for social media as we know it. This content is made for NOBODY. This content is garbage made to feed an endless cycle of robotic spam. Its going to keep expanding until eventually it consumes all of our feeds unless Facebook makes a serious effort in trying to crack down on botted content. Its kinda crazy if you think about it, these posts use our real life resources and server space to exist yet its purpose isn’t to serve the humans that created it, but other bots. Who knows what the future will hold for us as AI becomes more prevalent, I’m scared one day I’m going to be wishing the bots went back to liking pictures of Crab Jesus instead of whatever sinister task we give them in the future.

Thanks for reading, take care everyone.

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