Ugh its so hard to be the person you want to be sometimes. I’ve been slacking on working out the whole week and every time I get home I usually only have enough energy to do like 2 things then shower then sleep. Its frustrating but it usually doesn’t last forever so I hope I get some energy backs soon!!! It upsets me but im trying not to be upset since I can’t be perfect and achieve all my goals every single day sometimes being alive is a good enough goal for a day. In the end I hope I become the cool person I am to be.
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Hey, I just seen this and I wanted to let you know you’re not the only one who struggles with the endless monotony of day-to-day life. The cycle of having either not enough time or energy to do everything I want to get done. What I found to work somewhat is to work on yourself i.e. Working out, having a healthier diet and maybe sometime to (like an hour) to just think about the past couple of days or weeks and reflect to try and find places to improve. I’m sure you have that great person inside of you, you just need to take the time to discover the path you need to walk to get to being that person.