Why isn’t social media fun and whimsical anymore?

You ever browse the internet and see nostalgic screenshots old Facebook and Myspace? These posts always resonate with me not because of nostalgia for a era I was too young to experience, but because of the fun nature and community seen in the posts.

Back in the early days of social media there were no rules, you just posted whatever you want. Nowadays if you post anything out of the ordinary you can almost feel the digital glances at you and judgmental thoughts ( in reality nobody cares but it can feel this way because of the web etiquette developed over the years ). But back then you’d just post whatever you wanted. Like South Park? Post a pic of you watching it! Generally back then you just posted whatever came to your mind and everyone would interact and it generally felt like a community. Social media just feels so distant and bleak these days I feel as if its almost unsalvageable.

The only place I feel like this culture of fun interaction and saying whatever comes to your mind is Spacehey which is just meant to mimic the early days of Myspace so it makes sense. Now I’m not saying you CANT do this on existing social media sites, it just feels like your doing it alone and it doesn’t seem anyone is going to join in. I recommend you get on a nice site like Spacehey and start talking to cool people like I have if you find yourself missing these types of interactions on the internet.

In the end it all comes down to the same thing, these sites used to be great but capital took over and they stopped listening to the users and started listening to shareholders. This is the inescapable cycle of products under our current economic system. I’m a hopeful person though and websites like Spacehey give me hope that we can still create products meant for people, not shareholders. We can still foster genuine relationships on the internet and have fun; we just need to do it in the right places.

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