Making a little post to show some pics of the Pittsburgh Ren Fair I attended. Had great fun with good people, its nice to dress up and act silly as an adult sometimes. Hope I can attend again next year!
This is the crew I went with, I of course am the king…
Snagged a pic with one of the guys who run the show called ” The Duelists ” very funny show well worth attending.
To end, a feast fit for a king…. CHILIS!!!! In full ren fair attire of course, we got so many looks but it was totally worth it. You gotta just be silly sometimes even if everyone else is looking at you weird.
I have many more pics but thats all I’ll share for now. Very grateful to have friends to go with and share the experience with, its nice to go and do something completely out of the ordinary.
Video of a joust we attended, super cool these guys are good!!! Gotta be sweating like crazy in all that armor though. Still super cool and grateful to have watched.